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Le associazioni familiari chiedono maggiore solidarietà in Europa

Press Release - Family Associations ask for more solidarity in Europe

No European family should feel to be left alone by the institutions, in a moment where fear and disorientation seem to prevail, we wish to reaffirm the fundamental importance of the family: the corona-virus outbreak in Europe is also an occasion to rediscover that the family has a very basic function as primary social unity of our communities. This is also an occasion for national and European institutions to do so.

In these difficult times, our organisations support solidarity among the member States and trust on the financial coordinating role of the European institutions which guarantees the effectiveness of the initiatives to be carried out in favour of the families.

Namely, at the European level, it is high time to show the adherence to the basic principles that unite all of us: solidarity, subsidiarity and common good.

Vincenzo Bassi, FAFCE President
Antoine Renard, FAFCE Honorary President
Cornel Barbut, FAFCE Vice-President and Vice-President of 'Vladimir Ghika' Association, Romania
Alfred Trendl, FAFCE Treasurer, President of the Austrian Catholic Family Associations
Ulrich Hoffmann, President of the German Catholic Family Association
Željka Markić, President of "In the Name of the Family", Croatia
Carlos Cremades, President of the Spanish Family Union
Ignacio García-Juliá, President of the Spanish Family Forum
José Castro Velarde, President of the Association Enraizados, Spain
Pascale Morinière, President of the French National Confederation of Catholic Family Associations
László Bíró, President of the Hungarian Catholic Family Association
Edit Frivaldszky, Director of the Human Dignity Center, Hungary
Liam Ó hAlmhain, President of Family Solidarity, Ireland
Gianluigi De Palo, President of the Italian Forum of Family Associations
Angelika Weichsel Mitterrutzner, President of the Catholic Family Association of South Tyrol, Italy
Arthur Galea Salomone, President of Cana Movement, Malta
Miriam Sciberras, Chairman of the LifeNetwork Foundation Malta
​Jakub Bałtroszewicz, President of the Polish Pro-Life and Family Federation
Carlos Aguiar Gomes, President of the Portuguese Family Association and President of the International Institute Familiaris Consortio
Igor Vovk, President of the Iskreni Institute, Slovenia

Versione in italiano

Nessuna famiglia europea dovrebbe sentirsi lasciata sola dalle istituzioni, in un momento in cui sembrano prevalere la paura e il disorientamento, vogliamo ribadire l'importanza fondamentale della famiglia: l'epidemia di corona-virus in Europa è anche un'occasione per riscoprire che il la famiglia ha una funzione basilare come unità sociale primaria delle nostre comunità. Questa è anche un'occasione per farlo da parte delle istituzioni nazionali ed europee.

In questi tempi difficili, le nostre organizzazioni sostengono la solidarietà tra gli Stati membri e si affidano al ruolo di coordinamento finanziario delle istituzioni europee che garantisce l'efficacia delle iniziative da realizzare a favore delle famiglie.

Vale a dire, a livello europeo, è giunto il momento di dimostrare l'adesione ai principi di base che uniscono tutti noi: solidarietà, sussidiarietà e bene comune.